- In the light of this, it is the Presidency’s view that the Council should adopt conclusions on this joint programming initiative on the basis of the text that has been tabled by the Commission.
- Mot bakgrund av detta är det ordförandeskapets åsikt att rådet ska anta slutsatser om detta gemensamma programplaneringsinitiativ utifrån den text som har lagts fram av kommissionen.
- We are still considering and, hopefully, will adopt new rules on the provision of general information on foods to consumers, as well as different issues, such as fruit juice and derived products.
- Vi behandlar fortfarande och kommer förhoppningsvis att anta nya bestämmelser om tillhandahållande av allmän information om livsmedel till konsumenter, liksom andra frågor såsom fruktjuicer och produkter framställda av dessa.
- Having a homogenous formula for a social clause that could be inserted in all bilateral trade agreements is what is proposed in the report that we have just adopted on the external dimension of social policy and the promotion of social standards.
- Det betänkande som vi just har antagit om den yttre dimensionen av socialpolitiken och främjande av sociala normer föreslår en enhetlig formel för en social klausul som skulle kunna införas i alla bilaterala handelsavtal.
- The facts of the matter are that, following the debate in the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defence Policy a report was adopted on Community defence equipment policy for which I am rapporteur and which is on the draft agenda for this coming Wednesday.
- Faktum är att efter debatten i utskottet för utrikesfrågor, mänskliga rättigheter, gemensam säkerhet och försvarspolitik antogs ett betänkande om en EU-politik för försvarsutrustning, för vilket jag är föredragande och som återfinns på nästkommande onsdags förslag till föredragningslista.
- A fortnight ago, in what was for me one of the high points of my political endeavours here in this House - an overwhelming majority of us faced up to Europe’s past and, by adopting the resolution on the 60th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, joined in a great majority decision to acknowledge the historic truth of Europe and set out on the road into the future.
- En överväldigande majoritet av oss tog ställning till Europas förflutna, och genom att anta resolutionen om 60-årsminnet av andra världskrigets slut beslutade vi med stor majoritet att erkänna Europas historiska sanning och att slå in på vägen som leder till framtiden.
show query
SET search_path TO f9miniensv;
t11.token_id AS t11,
t12.token_id AS t12,
t21.token_id AS t21,
t22.token_id AS t22,
r1.dep_id AS dep1,
r2.dep_id AS dep2
deprel r1
JOIN depstr s1 ON s1.dep_id = r1.dep_id
JOIN word_align a1 ON a1.wsource = r1.head AND a1.wsource < a1.wtarget
JOIN word_align a2 ON a2.wsource = r1.dependent
JOIN deprel r2 ON r2.head = a1.wtarget AND r2.dependent = a2.wtarget
JOIN depstr s2 ON s2.dep_id = r2.dep_id
JOIN token t11 ON t11.token_id = r1.head
JOIN token t21 ON t21.token_id = r2.head
JOIN token t12 ON t12.token_id = r1.dependent
JOIN token t22 ON t22.token_id = r2.dependent
s1.val = 'prep' AND
t11.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t21.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t12.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t22.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t11.lemma_id = 55864 AND
t12.lemma_id = 11075 AND
t21.lemma_id = 2133 AND
t22.lemma_id = 14161),
stats AS (SELECT
count(DISTINCT token_id) AS c,
count(*) AS c_aligned,
count(DISTINCT wtarget) AS c_target
LEFT JOIN word_align ON wsource = token_id
sentence_id IN (
SELECT sentence_id
JOIN token ON token_id IN(t11, t21)
GROUP BY sentence_id),
numbered AS (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS i, *
sentences AS (SELECT *, .2 * (1 / (1 + exp(max(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i) - min(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i)))) +
.8 * (1 / log(avg(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i))) AS w
SELECT i, 1 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t11,t12] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t11
UNION SELECT i, 2 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t21,t22] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t21
) x
JOIN stats USING (sentence_id)
ORDER BY i, n)
string_agg(CASE WHEN lpad THEN ' ' ELSE '' END || '<span class="token' ||
CASE WHEN ARRAY[token_id] <@ tokens THEN ' hl' ELSE '' END || '">' || val || '</span>',
'' ORDER BY token_id ASC) AS s
JOIN token USING (sentence_id)
JOIN typestr USING (type_id)
GROUP BY i, n, w, c, c_aligned, c_target, sentence_id
ORDER BY w DESC, i, n;