- The resolution continued in the same vein.
- Resolutionen fortsätter i samma anda.
- In relation to this, work on SIS II must be continued.
- Arbetet med SIS II måste fortsätta också i detta sammanhang.
- If we remain so, we can achieve something in the Middle East, and so we must continue in this direction.
- Därför måste vi fortsätta i denna riktning.
- If they can be encouraged to give their support by starting their training in schools, the good practice will be continued in the home.
- Om de kan uppmuntras till att ge sitt stöd genom att deras utbildning påbörjas i skolorna, kan det goda bruket fortsätta i hemmet.
- I can only hope, and I would ask you to ensure, that this style of cooperation between the Commission and Parliament does not continue in future.
- Jag kan bara hoppas, och jag vill be er att garantera detta, att denna samarbetsstil mellan kommissionen och parlamentet inte kommer att fortsätta i framtiden.
- As terror attacks continue in the Northern Caucasus so too do regular attacks on human rights defenders and journalists, and the perpetrators of such attacks are rarely brought to justice.
- Terrorattacker fortsätter i Nordkaukasien och det gör också regelbundna attacker mot människorättsaktivister och journalister.
- It is time to continue in the steps of the few who already recognise, here in the European Parliament, the crisis of the Romani population.
- Det är dags att fortsätta i fotspåren efter de få som här i Europaparlamentet redan har insett att romerna befinner sig i kris.
- Mr President, the operation to criminalise pacifist action is continuing in Greece with the referral to the courts of 5 peace fighters who, with thousands of others, expressed the opposition of the Greek people to the dirty imperialist war against the Yugoslavian people.
- Processen med att kriminalisera fredliga aktioner fortsätter i Grekland med överlämnandet till domstol av fem fredskämpar som tillsammans med tusentals andra uttryckte det grekiska folkets motstånd mot det smutsiga imperialistiska kriget mot det jugoslaviska folket.
- I wish to conclude by congratulating our rapporteurs, Gianfranco Dell’Alba and Michiel van Hulten, who have produced an excellent piece of work, and we wish to see this work continue in the same climate of cooperation in which it has been undertaken until now.
- Jag vill avsluta med att gratulera våra föredraganden Gianfranco Dell’Alba och Michiel van Hulten, vilka har genomfört ett utmärkt arbete här, och jag hoppas att detta arbete fortsätter i samma samarbetsanda som hittills.
- Mr President, I should first of all like to congratulate rapporteur Kindermann on his report and also on the political courage he has displayed, particularly in paragraph 6, in which he clearly states that the MAGP should not be continued in their present form when the common fisheries policy is reviewed.
- Jag vill allra först gratulera föredraganden Kindermann till hans betänkande och även till det politiska mod som han visat, särskilt i punkt 6, i vilken han med avseende på reformen av den gemensamma fiskeripolitiken tydligt säger att det fleråriga orienteringsprogrammet inte borde fortsätta i sin nuvarande form.
show query
SET search_path TO f9miniensv;
t11.token_id AS t11,
t12.token_id AS t12,
t21.token_id AS t21,
t22.token_id AS t22,
r1.dep_id AS dep1,
r2.dep_id AS dep2
deprel r1
JOIN depstr s1 ON s1.dep_id = r1.dep_id
JOIN word_align a1 ON a1.wsource = r1.head AND a1.wsource < a1.wtarget
JOIN word_align a2 ON a2.wsource = r1.dependent
JOIN deprel r2 ON r2.head = a1.wtarget AND r2.dependent = a2.wtarget
JOIN depstr s2 ON s2.dep_id = r2.dep_id
JOIN token t11 ON t11.token_id = r1.head
JOIN token t21 ON t21.token_id = r2.head
JOIN token t12 ON t12.token_id = r1.dependent
JOIN token t22 ON t22.token_id = r2.dependent
s1.val = 'prep' AND
t11.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t21.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t12.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t22.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t11.lemma_id = 4919 AND
t12.lemma_id = 8748 AND
t21.lemma_id = 2785 AND
t22.lemma_id = 26495),
stats AS (SELECT
count(DISTINCT token_id) AS c,
count(*) AS c_aligned,
count(DISTINCT wtarget) AS c_target
LEFT JOIN word_align ON wsource = token_id
sentence_id IN (
SELECT sentence_id
JOIN token ON token_id IN(t11, t21)
GROUP BY sentence_id),
numbered AS (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS i, *
sentences AS (SELECT *, .2 * (1 / (1 + exp(max(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i) - min(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i)))) +
.8 * (1 / log(avg(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i))) AS w
SELECT i, 1 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t11,t12] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t11
UNION SELECT i, 2 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t21,t22] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t21
) x
JOIN stats USING (sentence_id)
ORDER BY i, n)
string_agg(CASE WHEN lpad THEN ' ' ELSE '' END || '<span class="token' ||
CASE WHEN ARRAY[token_id] <@ tokens THEN ' hl' ELSE '' END || '">' || val || '</span>',
'' ORDER BY token_id ASC) AS s
JOIN token USING (sentence_id)
JOIN typestr USING (type_id)
GROUP BY i, n, w, c, c_aligned, c_target, sentence_id
ORDER BY w DESC, i, n;