- In reality, they too want nothing to do with its general disparagement.
- I det konkreta fallet vill de inte heller höra något om en sådan generalisering.
- In our presidential capacity, we have also wanted to make sure that this dialogue works.
- I egenskap av ordförande vill vi också se till att dialogen fungerar.
- In this context, I do not want to make a big thing of the issue of certification at European level.
- Jag vill i detta sammanhang inte göra någon större sak av frågan om en licens på europeisk nivå.
- In the follow-up to this White Paper, I want to examine the role insurance products could play in supplementing these measures.
- I uppföljningen till denna vitbok vill jag undersöka den roll som försäkringsprodukter kan spela för att komplettera dessa åtgärder.
- In reality, Parliament wants to transfer the power to appoint the Commission from the national parliaments and governments to this supranational assembly.
- Parlamentet vill i praktiken flytta befogenheten att utnämna kommissionen från de nationella parlamenten och regeringarna till denna överstatliga församling.
- We, in Parliament, want to be involved in translating the Eurospeak into real action and we look forward to the final draft of the European spatial perspective which we hope will be agreed at a future Council meeting.
- Vi i parlamentet vill delta i översättningen av Eurospeak till verkliga åtgärder, och vi ser fram emot det slutliga utkastet till den fysiska planeringen för det europeiska området som vi hoppas blir godkänt av rådet i en snar framtid.
- My second remark is that if, in Europe, we want the improvement in the operation of rating agencies to contribute to protecting our social model, then we cannot leave aside the issue of corporate social responsibility.
- Min andra kommentar är att om vi i EU vill att förbättringen av kreditvärderingsinstitutens verksamhet skall bidra till att skydda vår sociala modell, kan vi inte lämna frågan om företagens sociala ansvar åt sidan.
- Thousands of jobless families are wondering why - and they need an answer - and, in particular, they want to know what the future holds for them, not just in Andalusia, but throughout European agriculture.
- Tusentals arbetslösa familjer undrar varför - och de behöver ett svar - och i synnerhet vill de veta vad framtiden har att erbjuda, inte bara i Andalusien utan inom hela det europeiska jordbruket.
- Madam President, in my contribution to this debate, I want to concentrate on the subject of the gas supply directive, as Mr Karlsson, the rapporteur on crude oil, has had his group’s agreement when dealing with this topic.
- I mitt bidrag till debatten vill jag koncentrera mig på gasförsörjningsdirektivet, eftersom Karlsson, föredragande om råoljan, har fått sin grupps stöd i behandlingen av den frågan.
- Mr President, we, too, in the Socialists and Democrats, want to fight for the European citizens and we want to fight against terrorism, so that is why we will be recommending, as my leader said, a ’no’ vote tomorrow to ensure that we vote in this Parliament on the first consent procedure under Lisbon against a bad agreement for this whole Parliament.
- Även vi i S&D-gruppen vill kämpa för EU-medborgarnas säkerhet och mot terrorism.
- As this is likely to be my final speech to the European Parliament meeting in plenary session, I want to thank all those people whom I have worked with over 15 years’ membership of the European Parliament and, in particular, the good people of Greater Manchester Central who under the fine individual constituency system I have had the honour to represent since 1984.
- Eftersom detta förmodligen är mitt sista tal i Europaparlamentet under sammanträdesperioden, vill jag tacka alla dem som jag har arbetat med under 15 års ledamotskap i Europaparlamentet och, i synnerhet, de fina människorna i Greater Manchester Central, som jag - enligt det fina systemet med enmansvalkretsar - haft äran att företräda sedan år 1984.
show query
SET search_path TO f9miniensv;
t11.token_id AS t11,
t12.token_id AS t12,
t21.token_id AS t21,
t22.token_id AS t22,
r1.dep_id AS dep1,
r2.dep_id AS dep2
deprel r1
JOIN depstr s1 ON s1.dep_id = r1.dep_id
JOIN word_align a1 ON a1.wsource = r1.head AND a1.wsource < a1.wtarget
JOIN word_align a2 ON a2.wsource = r1.dependent
JOIN deprel r2 ON r2.head = a1.wtarget AND r2.dependent = a2.wtarget
JOIN depstr s2 ON s2.dep_id = r2.dep_id
JOIN token t11 ON t11.token_id = r1.head
JOIN token t21 ON t21.token_id = r2.head
JOIN token t12 ON t12.token_id = r1.dependent
JOIN token t22 ON t22.token_id = r2.dependent
s1.val = 'prep' AND
t11.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t21.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t12.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t22.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t11.lemma_id = 30518 AND
t12.lemma_id = 8748 AND
t21.lemma_id = 54343 AND
t22.lemma_id = 26495),
stats AS (SELECT
count(DISTINCT token_id) AS c,
count(*) AS c_aligned,
count(DISTINCT wtarget) AS c_target
LEFT JOIN word_align ON wsource = token_id
sentence_id IN (
SELECT sentence_id
JOIN token ON token_id IN(t11, t21)
GROUP BY sentence_id),
numbered AS (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS i, *
sentences AS (SELECT *, .2 * (1 / (1 + exp(max(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i) - min(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i)))) +
.8 * (1 / log(avg(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i))) AS w
SELECT i, 1 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t11,t12] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t11
UNION SELECT i, 2 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t21,t22] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t21
) x
JOIN stats USING (sentence_id)
ORDER BY i, n)
string_agg(CASE WHEN lpad THEN ' ' ELSE '' END || '<span class="token' ||
CASE WHEN ARRAY[token_id] <@ tokens THEN ' hl' ELSE '' END || '">' || val || '</span>',
'' ORDER BY token_id ASC) AS s
JOIN token USING (sentence_id)
JOIN typestr USING (type_id)
GROUP BY i, n, w, c, c_aligned, c_target, sentence_id
ORDER BY w DESC, i, n;