- In Kyoto, we took the lead on this issue, thanks to the European Commission.
- I Kyoto tog vi ledningen i den här frågan, tack vare kommissionen.
- Finally, I hope that operators will quickly agree on the introduction of a European stamp for 50 gram letters and I will soon be taking a political initiative on this matter.
- Slutligen hoppas jag att operatörerna snabbt kommer överens om att införa ett europeiskt frimärke för 50-gramsbrev, och jag kommer snart att ta ett politiskt initiativ i denna fråga.
- Mr President, it might have been lost in translation that what Mr Schulz was asking for was that the Council Presidency, in its Wednesday statement, should take a view on this issue and make it perfectly clear where the Council stands on it.
- Det kanske försvann vid översättningen att Martin Schulz ville att rådets ordförandeskap tar ställning i frågan i sitt uttalande på onsdag och gör helt klart vad rådet anser.
- The most appropriate course of action at this time is for the Commission not to formally accept the amendments put forward by Parliament, but to endeavour to take them on board as far as possible with a view to adoption of the proposal by the Council.
- Kommissionen anser att det lämpligaste tillvägagångssättet för närvarande är att inte formellt godta de ändringsförslag som har lagts fram av parlamentet, men att försöka ta med dem i så stor utsträckning som möjligt med sikte på rådets antagande av förslaget.
- Mr President, if the changes to the Treaty proposed in the resolution we are debating are implemented, the European Union will take an absolutely crucial step on the way to becoming a federal state and one, moreover, in which the national parliaments will lose control over almost all crucial areas of policy.
- Om man genomför de förändringar i fördraget som föreslås i den resolution som vi diskuterar, skulle Europeiska unionen ta ett helt avgörande steg i omvandlingen till en förbundsstat, en förbundsstat där de nationella parlamenten förlorar kontrollen över nästan alla avgörande politiska områden.
show query
SET search_path TO f9miniensv;
t11.token_id AS t11,
t12.token_id AS t12,
t21.token_id AS t21,
t22.token_id AS t22,
r1.dep_id AS dep1,
r2.dep_id AS dep2
deprel r1
JOIN depstr s1 ON s1.dep_id = r1.dep_id
JOIN word_align a1 ON a1.wsource = r1.head AND a1.wsource < a1.wtarget
JOIN word_align a2 ON a2.wsource = r1.dependent
JOIN deprel r2 ON r2.head = a1.wtarget AND r2.dependent = a2.wtarget
JOIN depstr s2 ON s2.dep_id = r2.dep_id
JOIN token t11 ON t11.token_id = r1.head
JOIN token t21 ON t21.token_id = r2.head
JOIN token t12 ON t12.token_id = r1.dependent
JOIN token t22 ON t22.token_id = r2.dependent
s1.val = 'prep' AND
t11.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t21.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t12.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t22.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t11.lemma_id = 24912 AND
t12.lemma_id = 11075 AND
t21.lemma_id = 10465 AND
t22.lemma_id = 26495),
stats AS (SELECT
count(DISTINCT token_id) AS c,
count(*) AS c_aligned,
count(DISTINCT wtarget) AS c_target
LEFT JOIN word_align ON wsource = token_id
sentence_id IN (
SELECT sentence_id
JOIN token ON token_id IN(t11, t21)
GROUP BY sentence_id),
numbered AS (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS i, *
sentences AS (SELECT *, .2 * (1 / (1 + exp(max(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i) - min(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i)))) +
.8 * (1 / log(avg(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i))) AS w
SELECT i, 1 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t11,t12] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t11
UNION SELECT i, 2 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t21,t22] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t21
) x
JOIN stats USING (sentence_id)
ORDER BY i, n)
string_agg(CASE WHEN lpad THEN ' ' ELSE '' END || '<span class="token' ||
CASE WHEN ARRAY[token_id] <@ tokens THEN ' hl' ELSE '' END || '">' || val || '</span>',
'' ORDER BY token_id ASC) AS s
JOIN token USING (sentence_id)
JOIN typestr USING (type_id)
GROUP BY i, n, w, c, c_aligned, c_target, sentence_id
ORDER BY w DESC, i, n;