- The pensioners in our country lived under the communist regime for many years, when they were young workers.
- Pensionärerna i vårt land levde under kommunismen i många år när de var unga och arbetade.
- They have lived all their lives under authoritarian rule and do not know their rights or how to conduct themselves to question political messages.
- De har levt under auktoritärt styre hela sitt liv och vet inte vilka rättigheter de har och hur de skall bete sig för att ifrågasätta politiska budskap.
- I lived for 32 years under Franco’s dictatorship and I shall not forget that, and nor will some of the speakers, from Greece or Portugal for instance, have forgotten their past.
- Jag levde 32 år under Francos diktatur och jag kommer inte att glömma det, på samma sätt som några av talarna från Grekland och Portugal inte heller har glömt sitt förflutna.
- While you, ladies and gentlemen, are discussing how the Member States of the European Union can live together more unitedly under a common European roof, a few hundred kilometres away, in Rambouillet, the issue being discussed is whether they can live together under any kind of common roof.
- Medan ni, mina damer och herrar, diskuterar hur Europeiska unionens medlemsstater på ett bättre sätt skall kunna leva tillsammans under ett europeiskt tak, handlar det i Rambouillet bara några hundra kilometer härifrån, om hur man över huvud taget skall kunna stå ut med att vistas under samma tak.
- from violation of State secrecy, to the security of European citizens and States, to the faked kidnapping of Abu Omar, a CIA spy, who was picked up to save him from certain death and not deported to Guantánamo, but sent back to his own country, where he lives under suitable protection and gives interviews.
- av statshemligheter, EU-medborgarnas och staternas säkerhet, den låtsade kidnappningen av Abu Omar, en CIA-spion som hämtades för att han skulle slippa en säker dödsdöm och inte bli deporterad till Guantanamo, utan återsändes till sitt hemland där han nu lever under lämpligt skydd och ger intervjuer.
- I feel that the process of European integration has been successful and has now led to a European Union that encompasses the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, which lived under Communist regimes from the end of the Second World War until the early 1990s, and has helped to secure democracy in the south of Europe, in countries such as Greece, Spain and Portugal, which endured fascist regimes over a long period.
- Den har nu lett till ett EU som omfattar de länder i Central- och Östeuropa som levde under kommunistregimer från slutet av andra världskriget fram till tidigt 90-tal, och har bidragit till att säkerställa demokratin i Sydeuropa, i länder som Grekland, Spanien och Portugal, som under en lång period levde under fascistregimer.
show query
SET search_path TO f9miniensv;
t11.token_id AS t11,
t12.token_id AS t12,
t21.token_id AS t21,
t22.token_id AS t22,
r1.dep_id AS dep1,
r2.dep_id AS dep2
deprel r1
JOIN depstr s1 ON s1.dep_id = r1.dep_id
JOIN word_align a1 ON a1.wsource = r1.head AND a1.wsource < a1.wtarget
JOIN word_align a2 ON a2.wsource = r1.dependent
JOIN deprel r2 ON r2.head = a1.wtarget AND r2.dependent = a2.wtarget
JOIN depstr s2 ON s2.dep_id = r2.dep_id
JOIN token t11 ON t11.token_id = r1.head
JOIN token t21 ON t21.token_id = r2.head
JOIN token t12 ON t12.token_id = r1.dependent
JOIN token t22 ON t22.token_id = r2.dependent
s1.val = 'prep' AND
t11.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t21.ctag = 'VERB' AND
t12.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t22.ctag = 'ADP' AND
t11.lemma_id = 1193 AND
t12.lemma_id = 11943 AND
t21.lemma_id = 59115 AND
t22.lemma_id = 11943),
stats AS (SELECT
count(DISTINCT token_id) AS c,
count(*) AS c_aligned,
count(DISTINCT wtarget) AS c_target
LEFT JOIN word_align ON wsource = token_id
sentence_id IN (
SELECT sentence_id
JOIN token ON token_id IN(t11, t21)
GROUP BY sentence_id),
numbered AS (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS i, *
sentences AS (SELECT *, .2 * (1 / (1 + exp(max(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i) - min(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i)))) +
.8 * (1 / log(avg(c) OVER (PARTITION BY i))) AS w
SELECT i, 1 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t11,t12] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t11
UNION SELECT i, 2 AS n, sentence_id, ARRAY[t21,t22] AS tokens
JOIN token ON token_id = t21
) x
JOIN stats USING (sentence_id)
ORDER BY i, n)
string_agg(CASE WHEN lpad THEN ' ' ELSE '' END || '<span class="token' ||
CASE WHEN ARRAY[token_id] <@ tokens THEN ' hl' ELSE '' END || '">' || val || '</span>',
'' ORDER BY token_id ASC) AS s
JOIN token USING (sentence_id)
JOIN typestr USING (type_id)
GROUP BY i, n, w, c, c_aligned, c_target, sentence_id
ORDER BY w DESC, i, n;