For each item below,
- read all text carefully
- judge: which translation expresses the meaning of the source text more adequately?
- add your judgement to the online spreadsheet (link sent to you via email). Valid judgements are:
- A translation A is better than B
- B translation B is better than A
- X same quality
The first trading done represents that the carbon emission trading pilot program has officially started, and will be the first in the province to introduce the emission trading scheme at the city-level.
The first transaction, which will be completed soon, also marks the formal initiation of the Qingdao Emissions Trading Pilot Project. This will also be the first emissions trading in the province and the first city-level emissions trading in the entire country.
Services include online learning, case discussions, academic exchanges, social networking platforms with hospitals and doctors in departments, legal assistance for doctor-patient relationships or personal life, and support for entrepreneurship.
This provides business support for online learning, case discussions, academic exchanges; social networking with hospitals and doctors in the same department, and necessary legal support relating to doctor-patient relationship.
Zhang Huizhen is regarded as an athlete who achieved her glories late in her career. She was once unable to enter the London Olympics, but finally made it to the prestigious podium for the Rio Olympics.
Regarded as a a of London on Olympics, Huizhen, Zhang late is the to ticket proudly contender, regretted podium top who now the last not standing getting the Rio Olympics.
In the past two seasons, Thompson's usage rate has stabilized at the top 20 in the league, and his last two seasons has been the best in his career.
Thompson's usage has stabilized in the league's top 20 over the past two seasons, the best of his career.
At the doctors' end, iBaby has broken down regional restrictions by way of organizing experts to carry out webinars, peer exchanges, case discussions and other mini-seminars.
From the doctor's side, iBaby allows them to provide lectures, communicate better with peers, discuss cases beyond the geographic barriers.
Qingdao is the 12th city in the nation and the first in Shandong Province to implement the pilot program for paying for the use and trading of emissions rights.
Qingdao is the 12th and the first pilot city in Shandong Province to utilize a carbon trading scheme.
With Simmons already showing excellent potential as a forward, and Embiid having good potential for the NBA, it may be difficult for Okafor to find a stable role.
With Simmons already showing excellent possession forward potential and Embiid in better shape for NBA games, Okafor's position is likely to be hard to get any more secure.
The right to emit pollutants, also known as “emissions permit”. It refers to the right of emitters to discharge pollutants to the environment within the limits allocated by the government.
The right to discharge pollutants, or "emission rights", are a right to emit pollutants, i.e., polluters, within a quota allocated by the government, enjoy the right to discharge pollutants into the environment according to the law.
Unlike many IOMT companies, iBaby has been focusing on the vertical field of obstetrics for the Internet from the very beginning and has been working with both mothers and doctors.
Unlike many Internet health care companies obsessed with scale and extensive coverage, iBaby focused on the vertical industry of obstetrics from the very beginning, channeling their efforts toward supporting both pregnant mothers and their physicians.
From this observation, one can say that these IOMT cannot "simply all come about doing the same thing", but to watch the market demand and do their due diligence.
It seems that "rushing headlong" into the Industry healthcare sector is not the wisest option. One must accurately assess market requirements, be patient, and improve the professionalism and depth of services provided.
After being in the provincial team, Zhang Binbin once again failed to get in the national team. As she could not see hope in getting in, she returned home once again.
After joining the provincial team, Zhang Binbin, who took a long time to advance to the national team, returned home at one point because she saw no hope.
On the 11th, many companies came to the Qingdao's Emission Trading Center to submit their carbon trading application and will pay the permit fees once it is processed.
On the 11th, many companies submitted emission rights purchase applications at the Qingdao Emissions Trading Center. Those who successfully applied for the rights will start paying a usage fee.
"Although the Nanhu Rescue Team is extremely professional, we hope that rowers can wear life vests and avoid illegal activities and actions on the lake to have a safe recreational experience." said Zheng Jianjun.
"Although the South Lake illegal safe do the on lake, hope of to that is rescue wear can not tourists very but jackets, life team number actions professional, boating the vast still play," Zheng said.
In other words, through legal means to crack down on environmental violations, and severely punish enterprises for excessive pollution, so as to protect the environment and protect public health.
Basically, through legal measures and being stringent on environmental violations and to punish companies for excessive discharges, we will be able to protect the environment and the health of the public.
Paying for the use and trading of air pollutant emissions rights is for the city's key power and heat production and supply industrial enterprises.
The carbon emission trading is an important business to support electricity and heat for the city.
"Along with the system upgrade, the validity for the free-fare card for seniors lasts for a whole year instead of having to apply twice a year which saves them the extra trip and makes it more convenient."
"In order to facilitate the elderly, the system has been upgraded, the elderly free card from the original review twice a year reduced to one, the elderly cardholders do not have to run two trips."
As an athlete, Zhang Binbin and his family gathered less and more, only the holidays to go home, usually by telephone contact.
As an athlete, Zhang Binbin saw her family less and less, and would only go back home during the holidays, and usually contacted each other by phone.
Zhang Xiaolong showed the reporter the cartoon artwork his daughter created. "If she didn't become a archer, she would probably continue to draw."
Zhang Xiaolong showed a comic drawn by her daughter to the reporter and said "if she didn't become a shooter, she would have probably continued drawing."
"Every coach picks his players differently, and I saw that Benny's hands were so beautiful that I fell in love with him."
"The way a coach decides who makes the team is different. However for me, I knew she was it when I saw Zhang Binbin's hands."
During the evening of the 11th, Zhang Donghong, his wife, and dozens of other family members and friends stood before this new television and witnessed how his daughter started a miraculous spree that brought her from the brink of being dropped out of the competition to a medal winning score.
Zhang Donghong and his wife along with a number of friends and family were in front of the new TV on the night of the 11th to witness their daughter make a miraculous comeback from almost being eliminated
Okafor's position is quite precarious. As the only option for the 76ers in the last season, he was forced to jostle with Simons and Embiid for play time and ownership of the ball during the new season.
Okafor's situation is more awkward. Despite being the number one draft for the 76ers last season, he has to compete with Simmons and Embiid for playing time and ball in the upcoming season.
In the previous season, Okafor's 32% scoring rate was attributed to low post offense. This ratio was higher than that of Cousins, Vučević, and Brook Lopez. His usage rate is also amongst the top-40 of the entire NBA.
Last season, Okafor' was scoring 32% from the low post, which is higher than Cousins, Vucevic, and Brook Lopez. He also has a usage rate of 40 in the league.
The report is nine reform, budget, cooperation, chapters, institutional security into including equipment, foreign and deployment, military strength, adjustment, training defense military divided general national policy security exercises, military weapons and military and military relations with China.
The report is divided into 9 chapters, comprising: overall policy adjustments, military power, national defense budget, military deployment, weapons and equipment, organizational reforms, military exercises, security partnerships with other countries, and military security relations with China.
Parker performed better than the data reflected last season, not only because his efficiency was at the highest level of his career, but his chemistry with Aldridge also benefited the Spurs.
Parker's performance last season was better than his stats suggested. Not only did Parker achieve his career best in rebound efficiency, his chemistry with Aldridge also benefited the Spurs.
However, just as most of the IOMT companies struggled in the A or B round of financing, there were several leading companies in the niche areas who were still able to obtain sufficient capital.
However, just as most internet healthcare companies struggle to finance rounds A and B, several segment leaders are still gaining traction.
On the morning of the 11th, Zhao Xiuping, the president of Qingdao Shuangtao Jingxi Chemical Industry (Group) Limited Company, came to the Qingdao Emissions Trading Center to submit an application to purchase an emission permit.
In the morning of the 11th, Zhao Xiuping, general manager of Qingdao Shuangtao Jingxi Chemical Industry (Group) came to the Qingdao City Emissions Trading Center to submit an application to purchase emission rights.
Zhang Donghong displayed the medals and awards neatly, and kept all the certificates in a folder. "These are the honors Binbin has received over the years on the basis of her hard work and dedication. All of us cherish them."
Zhang Donghong arranged the medals neatly, and the certificates in a folder. “These are the result of Binbin's hard work in these 10 years and so, and are very precious to us."
Zhang Donghong, of Dongyuan Village, Xiamen's Xiang'an District, just a few days ago replaced the 29-inch old TV in his home with a 65-inch one.
Zhang Donghong from Dongyuan Village in Xiang'an District of Xiamen just replaced an old 29-inch TV with a 65-inch TV at his home.
Her parents said that regardless of being together or on the phone, she would seldom talk about her hardship and would mostly talk about something happy with her parents.
Parents said, whether it is to meet or call, Zhang Binbin rarely said their hard work, more with their parents to talk about something happy.
Also, the report international between development of government there forecasts the financial major out when that discrepancies some comes points the institutions to and some the in are and inflation of economic the it country in 2016.
Reports further pointed out that for economic development and inflation issues faced by Tajikistan in 2016, the Tajik government and a number of major international financial institutions made different predictions in these areas.
"It was a I the lighting of stage it my Chinese about and and and the daughter felt brilliant for music, by the to the was performance, I necessary culture learn performance... impressed Beijing was art Opera as well."
"This was a fantastic performance. The music, lighting and stage performance left an indelible impression on me ...... I feel that it is absolutely necessary for my daughter to also come and understand Chinese culture and the art of Chinese Peking opera."
"Paying for emission rights does not mean gaining the right to generate illegal emissions. The payer may not emit waste as they like."
"Purchasing an emission permit does not grant permission to freely discharge illegal pollutants."
On Monday morning, the IC card sales center of Jining city bus company, several old people in front of the card window are queuing up to get the card, 62-year-old Master Yao got the old age half-price card.
The IC card sales counter had a line of seniors on the morning of the 11th at the Jining Public Transport Company. The 62 year old Mr. Yao got his half-fare card for seniors.
Across her 16-year shooting career, Zhang Binbin, who is 27-year old this year, brushed past this hard-won silver medal on several occasions.
For Zhang Binbin who is already 27, it was a hard-fought silver medal in her 16 years of her shooting career.
Jiangsu Yuyue Mdcl Eqpmnt & Spply Co Ltd. invested 120 million yuan, accounting for 40% of the registered capital, and Jiuzhou Tongji Machinery Co., Ltd. invested 180 million yuan, accounting for 60% of the registered capital.
Yuyue contributed 12.0000 million dollars, comprising 40% of the registered capital, while Jointown Pharmaceutical provided 18.0000 million dollars for 60% of the registered capital.
Just like the competition yesterday, this daughter of Xiamen persisted and once again turned the tables in her shooting career.
Like yesterday's game, she persisted and overcame the hurdles in her shooting career.
But this does not mean Thompson's playing ability will get worse. It is more a matter of fact that he will need to make some sacrifice for the team.
This does not mean that Thompson's standards have dropped. In fact, it appears that he's making sacrifices for the sake of the entire team.
Zhang Xiaolong told the reporters that her daughter was always a quiet and obedient girl who liked to draw and play with homemade toys when she was small.
Zhang Xiaolong told reporters that his daughter has been a quiet and well-behaved children, from an early age like painting and homemade hand-made toys,
On the same day, Qingdao Sifang Xinchengzhizhuo Bus Accessories Co., Ltd. has also come to the annual output of 4,200 high-speed rail and EMU interior accessories projects to purchase emission rights.
On the same day, Qingdao Sifang Xincheng Zhizhuo Coach Parts Co., Ltd. also came to purchase emission permits for their annual production of 4,200 pieces of high-speed rail and EMU (Electrical Multiple Unit) interior parts.
Currently, two types of senior citizen cards are offered. One is a free pass for senior citizens, while the other is a half-price pass for senior citizens.
Currently, there are 2 types of cards for seniors. One is a free-fare card for seniors and the other is a half-fare card for seniors.
The rivalry may not come soon, Simmons will have to adapt to the NBA and Embiid will have to fully recover from the injury as soon as possible, but Okafor's place in the 76ers' lineup remains a question.
Playing for the spot won't be right away as Simmons still needs to get used to the NBA games, and Embiid need to quickly recover from injuries. The issue remains if Okafor will be able to stay in the 76'ers roster in the long run.
"When I would sew and repair clothes at home, Binbin would use the scrap pieces and make a doll herself.
"Originally, I stayed at home to tailor some clothes, sewing and mending them as needed. Binbin would sit by the corner, collecting the scrap fabrics to make her own fabric doll."
The transaction is about to complete the first single also indicates that Qingdao emissions trading pilot work officially kicked off, which will be the province's emissions trading first single and the first nationwide city-level emissions trading.
The first trading done represents that the carbon emission trading pilot program has officially started, and will be the first in the province to introduce the emission trading scheme at the city-level.
It was reported that the fire took the local firefighters 1 hour and 45 minutes to extinguish, and residents in nearby buildings were able to return to their homes after a few hours.
It was reported that the local fire department took one hour and 45 minutes to put out the fire. Residents in nearby buildings were only allowed to return to their homes a few hours later.
He added that if extremist organizations are not suppressed, these forces will spread to Russia.
Without into they a on crackdown extremist he would Russia, forces, expand added.
After the case occurred, leaders of the criminal police department of the Haikou public security bureau attached great importance to the matter, and immediately organized a team of elite police force to initiate the investigation.
After the case, detachment elite leadership Bureau, of to take great importance police criminal the Municipal Public Haikou force organized attaches immediately of initiative a Security police to the the detachment to, launch an investigation.
According to Qingdao prices, finance and other departments to determine the collection standards, the current estimated initial sewage right to use about 644.12 million yuan, staff will be completed within seven working days to verify.
The estimated initial emission fee is approximately 641,200 yuan according to the collection standards set by Qingdao Pricing Administration. The staff will process and verify it within 7 business days.
As they aren't able to see their daughter often, they make sure to carefully keep the drawings she made when she was little at home.
Since they hardly see their daughter, the parents carefully preserved the artwork that their girl has made as a child and the glories that she had later won.
After getting their third championship ring, only Abdul-Jabbar, Jordan and Russell won more regular-season MVPs than James, and Jordan was the only one with more than James.
After winning the third championship ring, only Jabbar, Jordan and Russell and James won more regular-season MVPs, and Jordan is the only person with more Finals MVP than James.
This time, not only coach Zhang, but also the managers and coaches of the Xiamen Shooting and Archery Sports Center and the Fujian provincial team came to her home to persuade Zhang Binbin to return to the provincial team.
This time, not only coach Zhang Yajie, Xiamen Shooting and Archery Sports Center and Fujian Province team leaders and coaches came to the home, and eventually persuaded Zhang Binbin to return to the provincial team.
Tech companies and data companies lack professionalism and cannot cooperate.
Internet companies, data companies lack professionalism in the same entry on the writing methods are not uniform.
The electron-filled ionosphere means that the radio used by the military has a greater range, and it may provide some protection against solar storms for Global Positioning System (GPS) signals.
The layers filled with electrons means that the radio used by the military has a larger transmission scope, and it may provide some protection for Global Positioning System (GPS) signals from the effects of solar storms.
Zhao Xiuping said: At present, enterprises have invested 400 million in environmental protection, a huge amount on the surface, but the concept of business management, social benefits have a great impact on the enterprise innovation and management has also opened up space.
Zhao Xiuping mentioned that he has invested RMB 400 million on corporate environmental responsibility. Despite being a large amount of money put into this, it greatly impacts the company's philosophy, social responsibility, and also opens up a new level of innovation management.
The arrival of Durant will limit the stats of the Warrior's players, and the player that would be the most affected would most likely be Thompson.
The arrival of Durant will definitely result in a drop in numbers among Warriors' players, but Thompson will probably have the most to lose.
Zhang Xiaolong, his mother, told reporters that just as they hesitated, Zhang Binbin sought several "novelists" from the same village.
Zhang's mother, Xiaolong told the reporters that when they felt hesitant about her doing this, Zhang Binbin brought a group of "young kids" from the same village to persuade her parents.
The impact will be not only in terms of the number of shots taken, but the Towns' holding offense will certainly be significantly reduced next season, which in some ways will also make it easier for opponents to defend him.
This will impact his shots taken and will surely reduce greatly next season and make the opponent defend him easier.
"Eligible seniors can bring 2 pieces of ID to the IC card sales counter to apply. Seniors in this age group who are from out of the country can also enjoy this discount."
"Senior citizens who meet the conditions can simply bring their second generation identity card to an IC sales center to apply for the item. Senior citizens with household registration outside the city who meet the age criteria can also enjoy this benefit."
He also appealed to the residents of the apartment that caught fire to contact the authorities, as some of the occupants were still unaccounted for.
As the whereabouts of some residents are still unknown, he also asked the residents of the apartment that was in flames to contact the authorities.
Alibaba's current presence in the healthcare industry is divided into three sections: AliHealth, Tmall Online Pharmacy, and Alipay's "Future Hospital" program.
Ali's current layout in the field of health care is divided into three sections, namely Ali Health, Tmall Medicine Hall and Alipay Future Hospital.
CEO Wang Lei recently said Ali Health was "willing to sink in" to take down health big data, according to media reports.
According to media reports, CEO Wang Lei recently stated that AliHealth "has decided" to compile the healthcare data.
Of course, some of the "regressions" may simply be data shrinkage, and the strength of these players may not have diminished.
Of course those deemed to have "gotten worse" may just be due to the limited stats and data, and they may actually not have gotten worse.
A middle-aged man from India, having survived a terrifying episode when the flight he took was forced to belly land at Dubai International Airport, won a 1 million USD lottery prize this week at the same airport.
An Indian at great-uncle plane million the a after this crash Dubai same landing a suffering week at International $1 airport has Airport won prize last week.
And in the living room on the second floor of Zhang Binbin's home, there is a cupboard full of medals, medals and certificates she has received.
In the living room on the second floor of Zhang Binbin's house, there is a cupboard full of medals, and certificates she has won.
His stats will probably decline in the regular season as give the ball more to Osman. However, he will still easily be the top three players in the league.
As a result, James' numbers are likely to slide further during the regular season, and he'll share more of the burden with Irving, though he'll still be an easy top-three player in the league.
The problem is that with the arrival of Durant, the chance for having Thompson play in the games will definitely drop, further lowering his chances of performing.
However, with Durant joining the team, the issues would be that Thompson's use rate will certainly decline, and is bound to affect his performance.
In the finals, she was on the bottom end of the ranking but her last few shots got more stable and won the silver medal with only 0.2 points behind the champion.
In the final, Zhang Binbin was once ranked in the situation, the last few shots more and more stable, only 0.2 ring behind the champion to win the silver medal.
据悉,在这栋公寓住了30年的杜雷女士(Mariana Turay)表示:“好像有炸弹掉下来。”
It was reported that Mariana Turay, who had lived in this apartment block for 30 years, said, "It was like a bomb had fallen."
Based on the report, Mariana Turay who has lived in the apartment for 30 years commented that "it was as if a bomb was dropped".
From September 1st, seniors aged 60-64 can use city bus at half-price.
From 1 September, older people aged 60 to 64 will be able to ride city buses at half the price.
Shortly after entering the Xiamen team, Zhang Binbin and once again because of family difficulties and other reasons, take the initiative to return to the school in Xiang'an.
However, shortly after joining the Xiamen team, Zhang Binbin decided to go back to school in Xiang'an to study due to family hardships.
In the past, the Aging Problem Commission, Finance Bureau, and Transportation Bureau of Jining City released Notice for Half-Price Urban Bus Fares for Senior Citizens 60-64 Years of Age. This welfare policy was formally enforced on September 1 this year.
Previously, the Jining Senior Advisory Committee, the Municipal Bureau of Finance, and the Municipal Communications Bureau issued the “Notice on the Half-price Public Transportation of City Buses for seniors aged 60-64”, which was formally implemented on September 1 this year.
According to data from the Centre for Management Research at Ellison Hospital in Hong Kong, a large number of Internet medical companies have died within one year of their establishment, and about 20 per cent of the start-up Internet medical companies have ceased to exist.
According to data from the Hong Kong Alec Hospital Management Research Center, a large number of venture IOMT companies have gone out of business within a year of starting, and about 20% of them have disappeared.
Total investments for 20 projects of the centralized agreement amounted to 8.063 billion RMB, and involves multiple sectors such as new energy, new materials, and modern services.
The 20 number such and involve modern materials centrally energy, investment industries with of a contracted projects, new billion of 8.063 new as a yuan, total service industries.
Han Hongyan, the Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Qingdao stated the those who discharge illegal pollutants and excessive pollutants will still be punished according to the regulation; those discharging illegal discharge of pollutants and excessive discharge of pollutants will still have to be punished in accordance with relevant regulations, and companies will not be able to purchase emission permits to avoid punishment for illegal or excessive discharges.
Deputy Director Han Hongyan of the Qingdao Environmental Protection Bureau explained that illegal emissions or emissions that exceed specified limits shall be subject to penalties according to relevant laws. Violating companies will not be able to purchase emission rights to avoid punishments.
The carbon credits obtained from EIA before January 1, 2016 will not be charged with the usage fee for the time being.
Existing polluting companies that have received a bad rating prior to January 1, 2016 will be temporarily exempt from the usage fee.
In the next step, under the pretext of keeping total emissions within the allowable emission volume, various internal sources of pollution shall use currency exchange to modulate emissions.
The next step, assuming that the discharged pollutant does not exceed the limit is to control the emission amount through carbon emission trading.
In that day's competition, Zhang Binbin once ranked in the middle and lower reaches, seems to be very far away from the final.
In the day of the event, Zhang Binbin was at one point in the lower part of the ranking and did not seem she would reach the finals.
After Zhao Xiuping submitted the construction and environmental assessment permit application, the Qingdao Emissions Trading Center started to do a preliminary review of the submitted application.
After Zhao Xiuping submitted the application form, the environmental impact statement of the construction project and other materials, the Qingdao Municipal Emission Right Reserve and Trading Service Center began the preliminary examination of the application materials.
O yes, James has just helped deliver the first professional sports championship trophy to Cleveland in 52 years.
Oh and James has just brought home Cleveland's first professional sports championship cup in 52 years.
The backcourt range of Wade and Rondo is limited and Butler who is the star player only has a 32.8% 3-point percentage. This will make their offence limited in the next season.
He and Rondo have limited backcourt range and the establishment star Butler is shooting just 32.8 percent from three-point range, making their offense crowded for next season.
Despite Dwayne Wade being one of the top shooting guards in the league, he will probably not perform as well with the Bulls than he did back with the Heat.
Although Wade is still regarded as one of the best shooting guards in the NBA, his performance with the Bulls will unlikely be as good as when he was at Miami Heat.
With the economic benefits being a factor, the government's bold action has lead to company's to react to take action on reducing emissions. This will all lead to protecting the environment, nature, and the health of the public.
Driven by economic interest, reducing emission of pollutants will shift from mandatory acts imposed by the government to conscious corporate market behavior. Thus, the goal of protecting the environment and nature as well as ensuring public health will be achieved.
It's that looking has talent to has 76 shown people clear and forward his Saric him.
Clearly, Šarić has already displayed his gift, and the 76ers are expecting many things from him.
The ionosphere would be full of electrons on some night, which means radio signals can travel further.
The ionosphere is filled with free electrons on some nights, which implies that radio signals can travel further.
Zhang Donghong also recalled that in the training test, his daughter, although not the best results, but hit the ring number is stable, which is an important reason for Zhang Binbin attracted coaches.
Zhang Donhong also remembered that during the test in the training, despite her scores not being the best, her points were very consistent which was the reason the coaches were fond of Zhang Binbin.
Companies have now put their focus on managing emissions for their own benefit and appreciate limiting the emission amount which has lead to a reduction of pollutants being discharged.
Enterprises are now more enthusiastic about pollution treatment because of their own interests; limited emission rights are valued, and emission of pollutants has decreased.
A stable mass of electrons in the ionosphere can help one listen to the radio by the university radio station but that is not exactly what the US Air Force is interested in.
While an ionosphere with a steady stream of free electrons could help people listen to a university radio station on the edge of its range, this may not be the Air Force's interest.
During the court proceedings, both parties engaged in a hot debate whether Wang Zhian violated Lan Yuefeng's right to reputation.
At the Wang the debated at two had the violated hearing time, sides court whether Yuefeng's right Lan Zhian to reputation.
No one of of Winter Olympics the emblem commercial Beijing may Winter for purposes the Beijing use without Bidding Olympics logo Committee and the permission the Organizing Committee.
Unless authorized by the Beijing Winter Olympics organizing committee, no one is allowed to use the logo or mark of the Beijing Winter Olympics application committee for any commercial purposes.
Wang Lei admitted that business in the healthcare is more difficult than other industries. “It is not simply having enough money, but to be able to persevere and work step by step."
"It's not just a matter of how much money you have," Wang admits. "It's a matter of getting down and being able to live with the loneliness and do it slowly."
But after the coach Zhang Yajie, kept convincing her, she returned to the Xiamen team again.
Zhang Binbin returned to Xiamen Team after being repeatedly persuaded by her first coach Zhang Yajie.
Whether it is due to age or limited playing time, there are always players who gets worse each season.
Due to aging or restrictions on playing time, performance of several players may become worse for each season.
The police brigade attended foreign level, and into week on classes groups, laws to based twice and self-defense a divided regulations language nine their them techniques, learn and foreign languages.
Police headquarters divided them into nine teams according to their language skills. They attended two classes per week, and learned self-defense, the law, and foreign languages.
The figures show annual population years, million 10 average an the over net of 2.18 last Zealand natural and New growth migrants has of had annual inflow average that an of 3.23 million.
Figures indicate that in the last decade, New Zealand's average annual net migration flow was 21,800 persons, and the average annual organic population growth was 32,300 persons.
This type of right limits the footprint of the polluters in the environment and a right to gain revenue.
This right is in essence, the right polluters have on the ownership, use and profit of existing resources in the environment.
In the process of training Zhang Binbin, Zhang Yajie remembered clearly the input provided by this farm girl.
In the process of training Zhang Binbin, Zhang Yajie was most impressed by the dedication of the peasant girl.
Duncan retired, Ginobili announced another year of fighting, and the GDP combination finally came to an end, and as the youngest of the three, the French sports car didn't have much fuel in its tank.
With Duncan retiring and Ginobili playing one last season, the era of Ginobili, Duncan and Parker will finally come to an end. As the youngest of the three, there is not much gas left in the tank for the French import.
Media revealed that the deluge of capital that swamped online health care resulted in the severe product homogeneity problem we see today. The investment boom is waning gradually. Capital has entered a wait-and-see period.
According to media reports, due to the large surge of capital into IOMT (internet of medical things), which resulted in a serious issue of product consistency. With the investment boom slowing down, investments have entered a wait-and-see period.
Many NBA players have proven themselves, but progress for some meant regress for others.
Many NBA players are able to prove their ability to play but there are people who fall off.
China began to carry out pilot projects in 2007, and 14 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities), including Zhejiang and Jiangsu, have been fully implemented.
China has been doing trials since 2007, and has implemented it in 14 provinces (in regions and cities) including Zhejiang and Jiangsu.
This project was for the machining companies, with initial emission amount of 0.514 ton/yr of COD, and 0.052 ton/yr of NOX on their application.
This project is initiated by a mechanical processing company. The company is applying for an initial emissions as chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 0.514 tons/year and ammonia nitrogen (NOX) of 0.052 tons/year.
Liu Xia, the deputy director of the IT division of the Jining Public Transport Company, said that more than 200 half-fare cards for seniors has been issued August 1.
Liu Xia, deputy director of the Computer Center of Jining Public Transport Company, said that since it was first released on August 1, the company has processed over 200 half-price fair tickets for senior citizens.
Japan's path to "become a permanent member" began in the early 1990s, and the Tokyo International Conference on African Development hosted by Japan began in 1993 as well; this was by no means a coincidence!
It is Japan, Japan's coincidence the as no African began while path early by in "business to that began Development also usual" initiated 1990s, the Conference, in 1993!
The Young Zhang Binbin from Xiamen: She started her shooting career as she had "Beautiful Hands" and went through various "struggles".
Xiamen girl Zhang Binbin: "beautiful hand" began shooting career path several "reversal"
He recalled that more than a year after Zhang Binbin entered the Xiamen Shooting Team, the team carried out a standing practice of raising a gun and asked the team members not to move for half an hour.
He recalls that around 1 year after Zhang Binbin joined the Xiamen Shooting team, the team had a endurance training exercise where they were not allowed to move for half an hour.
In the windy city, the Flash (Wade) needs to give control of the ball more to Butler and Rondo, while he takes a more conservative approach and stay healthy.
Coming to Windy City, the Blitzkrieg is bound to cede more of the ball to Butler and Rondo, and he is likely to choose a regimen to play during the regular season.
Hamir also said that 34 people were sent to the hospital of which 3 were firefighters with minor injuries and have already been discharged.
Hamill also said that another 34 were injured and in hospital, including three firefighters who sustained minor injuries; they have since been discharged.
In recent years, the digitalized and integrated supply chain management system is slowly being utilized in various levels of hospitals thanks to country's support in the form of policies on the information of IOMT.
In recent years, with the state's policy support in medical information, electronic, integrated supply chain management system gradually into all levels of hospitals.
Currently, the doctors can set up three sections for doctors to continue their education, communicate with other doctors, and request help from doctors.
At present, the doctor side opened three sections, respectively, for doctors to continue education, doctors social and doctors for help.
The "young kids" were from the same village who were also recommended to participate in the training at the same time. Among them was Zhang Binbin's cousin.
The "little lobbyists" are the kids from the same family participated the training by recommendation at hat time, including the cousin of Zhang Binbin.
She said that her daughter would often sew and make her own toys. Coupled with the fact that she was good at drawing, she was able to create a lifelike face and clothing for the dolls she made.
She said that her daughter would often sew her own toys. As she also liked to draw, the facial expression and the clothes of the dolls she made looked really good.
In LeBron's 14 season of his career, he will need to maintain his physical condition to prepare for the playoffs.
James, who is in the 14th season of his professional career, needs to better retain his physical strength to prepare well for the playoffs.
But the parents and friends did not give up, kept brushing the text live, see with the other players finished, Zhang Binbin all the way up the ranking, eventually locked up the final seat, his home immediately erupted from a burst of cheers.
However her parents and close friends did not give up on her as they kept their eyes on the text of the broadcast. Upon seeing other players finishing and where they were ranked, they saw Binbin's name go up the rank and secured a seat in the finals, when the families and friends burst in cheers at home.
According to a report on the "Popular Science" monthly website on August 11, the US Air Force is interested in replicating this phenomenon.
The U.S. Air Force is interested in replicating the effect, according to the August 11 report on the website of the popular science magazine.
The Danfeng County company of Shangluo Power Supply Company incorporated ideological progress, and enthusiastically carried out the "Ancient city rendezvous; love-filled power" and our holiday - Chinese Valentine's Day activities.
Danfeng County Company in the and and ancient with civilization, organized the carried construction out actively spiritual Shangluo conjunction "Meet of town Power Company, the love full festival Supply power" our of and of Tanabata theme activities.
Emissions trading was first proposed by the US economist Dales in 1968. In the 1970s, the US made use of this to manage sources of atmospheric and river pollution.
Emissions trading was proposed by American economist John Dales back in 1968. Since the 1970s in the 20th Century, the United States has applied it to control pollution in the atmosphere and river.
The same company had a plant in Qingdao's old town but was shut down last year and relocated to Pingdu for environmental concerns.
The enterprise is located in the old city of Qingdao plant at the end of last year to stop production, environmental protection moved to the new plant in Pingdu.
An American Red Cross staff estimates that this has left 100 people homeless, of which 60 to 70 people will stay in temporary shelters at the nearby community center; most of them were Hispanic.
The U.S. Red Cross estimated around 100 homeless including 60-70 stayed in the shelter of the neighboring community center, mostly are Spanish Americans.
Pregnant mothers are not only entitled to free 24-hour and one-on-one consultation with a doctor in charge, but are also entitled to paid, directed medical consultation.
"On a 24-hour basis, pregnant mothers can not only receive free one-on-one consultations with qualified doctors, and also receive paid medical diagnosis."
The cooperation between Yuyue and Kyushu Tong is precisely aimed at the needs of the market, helping hospitals to build advanced supply chain management system, and using this as an opportunity to seek more cooperation.
The cooperation between Jiangsu Yuyue Mdcl Eqpmnt & Spply Co Ltd. and Jiuzhou Tongji Machinery Co., Ltd. targets the market demands, supports hospitals implement advanced supply chain management systems and use this as an opportunity to seek further collaboration.
This average farmer's daughter is Zhang Binbin who won the silver medal in the 50 meter rifle three positions event at the Rio Olympic Games for China on the evening of the 11th.
This daughter of a common farmer is Zhang Binbin, who just won a silver medal for China in the 50 meter rifle three positions in the Rio Olympics.