University of Zurich | Institute of Computational Linguistics | Contact for questions and resources: Simon Clematide

Morphological Analysis of Individual Words

Words which are unknown to the morphological analyzer show the string "+?" as their analysis. The numbers are (logarithmic) penalty weights.

Input Format: one word per line


For citations, please refer to the following paper:
Reto Baumgartner (2016): Morphological analysis and lemmatization for Swiss German using weighted transducers
In Stefanie Dipper et al. [ed.]: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS 2016). Bochumer Linguistische Arbeitsberichte.

More detailed description can be found in the following thesis [in German]:
Reto Baumgartner (2016): Morphologieanalyse und standarddeutsche Lemmatisierung für schweizerdeutsche Alltagstexte mit gewichteten Transduktoren
Unpublished master thesis. University of Zurich.